Here's a really easy meal that is prepped so fast, anyone can make this...
Baked Gnocchi~
Just pick up the fresh gnocchi in the refrigerated section. I used individual, oven-safe ramekins (but you could use a larger one)... Divide the gnocchi amongst the little bowls. Pour some tomato sauce (a 14 oz. can) to cover the gnocchi. Sprinkle garlic powder, dried oregano, fresh basil (chiffonade) &/or parsley over the sauce. Then top with shredded mozzarella & provolone... Sprinkle grated parmesan on top... Bake @ 350 F for 20-25 minutes or until the cheese is melted, browning.
Quick, easy, yummy... DeLish!
<3 Lishie
*Gnocchi are Italian potato dumplings, heartier than pasta...
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