Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dinosaur Excavation Jell-O


Got pluots? Anyone, anyone? My subtlety may be lost but I found it punny. Pluots are fruit- a cross-pollination of plums and apricots nicknamed dinosaur eggs. So since Jell-O is fruity... hopefully you see how my mind came up with this! Ha!
Anyway, these cups were a huge hit at my son's dinosaur party. Most children love Jell-o & these fit the theme nicely, color-wise & "activity-wise". I used orange & lime Jell-o to match my green & orange color scheme. Made the Jell-o in small, clear cups. Placed the cups in the refrigerator... waited about 30 minutes, then added a gummy dinosaur to each cup.
The children quickly excavated those dinosaurs from that Jell-O & finished off the cups!
This technique can be used for so many themes! For an Ocean theme- blue raspberry Jell-O with Swedish Fish... For a Pirate theme- blue raspberry Jell-O with an orange slice on top for a sail... For a sleepover party- any color Jell-o to match your theme with a gummy "teddy" bear... For a Monster Party-any color Jell-o to match your theme with a gummy worm... For a Picnic- any color Jell-o to match your theme with gummy cherries...I could go on & on...

<3 Lishie
Gabriel's mom :)

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