Yes, I know my blog is primarily a food blog & maybe I should begin a 2nd blog for other interests, but the truth is, I would rather just share ALL of my loves with you, here. I LOVE to read. So when the opportunity came about to GIVE out FREE books randomly, I JUMPED at it.
What is World Book Night? (See more here.) World Book Night is an annual celebration designed to spread a love of
reading and books. To be held in the U.S. as well as the U.K. and
Ireland on April 23, 2012. It will see tens of thousands of people go
out into their communities to spread the joy and love of reading by
giving out free World Book Night paperbacks. See more here:

Because I work at New York University Bookstores, also a World Book Night Pick Up location, I was given a few extra titles to distribute as well:
~Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
~Junot Diaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
~Ann Patchett’s Bel Canto
Skloot’s The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Here's my World Book Night Giver experience:
The Difficulty of Being Earnest
April 23,2012 / World Book Night
Give away 20 books for free.
Easy, huh?
I am a true book lover… I believe a book is the dearest gift
one could give. It’s my bread & water, the one item I’d sacrifice for on a
deserted island. Anyone know the Twilight Zone Episode with Burgess Meredith
called “Time Enough at Last”? He plays Henry, a Bookworm who doesn’t have time
to read… at all… an H-Bomb explodes… Henry luckily is saved inadvertently by
his book obsession because at lunch he reads in the bank’s (where he works)
vault. After the bomb, Henry regains consciousness to find everyone dead,
everything gone. Despairingly, he stumbles upon the Library rubble with the
books intact. But he literally falls and BREAKS his reading glasses rendering
him unable to read. The End. Did
you gasp? If so, you are very like me.
So, in retrospect, giving away free books, to me, at least,
seemed so easy. The thing is, many bookworms are also introverts… They tend to
brighten up when they talk about books but are relatively shy in person. In order to give away a book, one MUST
approach a stranger… Two introverts= well…
I began my World Book Night at 2pm –ish on an NYU bus. I sat
there, a little nervous & hesitant at first thinking, “These are students.
They read. They are probably looking for a book that is fun rather than
assigned.” Right? Well, I waited till the bus had a good amount of students… I
took 3 books, fanned them out in my hands & stood up. I said, “Hi!!! I am giving away books for World
Book Night. They are FREE. This is legitimate… Look! WBN is explained on the
inside & printed on the back-side.” A couple of girls tentatively
approached me… One got excited, “I’ve wanted to read that title!!!” I said,
“Well, it has picked you then!” The other two girls each took a book… a boy
then took one & another. All were smiling after & chatting, glancing in
their new books. Where as, before, there was that uncomfortable, bus silence.

I continued to give away books to NJ bus commuters, my local
Girl Scout Troop and local Hospital… And I loved every minute of it. But it was
way more difficult than you’d think it would be to give away books. You should
try it next year on World Book Night 2013. It is a wonderful thing.
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