I am taking liberty with my food blog today to post this; thank you for reading.

Today is wear a Pink Shirt Day for bullying day. And, as always, when the subject of bullying comes up, I cannot help but think about some things... Let me lighten my mind by enlightening you...
Since my 3 year old son doesn't understand the concept of bullying another child I am choosing to infuse in him strength... The strength to realize he is as able & better than any bully. I have to disclose to you that I believe my son is the most compassionate, empathetic little one I have met. Early on, when my son's growth tended on the taller side (taller than his Nursery School peers & friends) my husband & I were worried he may tank over the others & use his height to his advantage. We brought up our concerns at his Daycare, where we were met with looks of "are you kidding?" & told that they prevent
other children from taking advantage of
him, his gentleness. Toys are taken
from him.
I hope to God my son always has the strength to veer away from the unkindness; To know he is dear, as dear as the next person. He is an original with his own aptitudes as well as quirks. He IS worthy of everything good.

Ignorance truly is one of the biggest problems facing society today. Let's cease using words & phrases like "
retard", "
short bus", "
rainman", etc. No one is perfect. NO ONE. Think you are? What are the chances- 1 in 7.069 billion?! (that is the world population estimate by the USCensus Bureau.) Wow, then you should play the lottery, stat. And if you think "people" are offended "easily" well, I am HURT by your thinking. And remember sarcasm is not always smart. Sometimes it is biting & cruel.
I am wearing pink but am going home to the sweetest little boy I know later who is wearing a navy blue school uniform shirt. We will be celebrating National Polar Bear Day with a "Polar Bear Polar Bear, Whar Do You Hear?" reading & a craft because I know G is empathetic, kind & will be brought up not to bully.
<3 G's Mommy